Coffee Grades
Most people are not aware that coffees are available in a number of different grades. Although there is no universal system each producer nation has standards by which their coffees are graded and most of these national standards typically have five grades. The nomenclature for these grades varies from country to country as do the specifics by which the coffees are graded. All grading systems however use the following criteria: the size of the bean and the number of defects.
J. Martinez & Company sells only the top or premium grade of each coffee that we offer.
As an example of a grading system: the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica (CIBJ) inspects and certifies all Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. The grading system used is No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and Peaberry for the top quality coffee that is sold in the famous barrels. Other, lesser grades of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee include Triage A, Special Triage, and Fines. The coffee grades are based on many factors including size, with the larger beans being graded No. 1, down to the Peaberry. Premium grades must also meet color standards and have fewer defects than the lesser grades.
Most of the roasted coffee shipped from Jamaica is triage. J. Martinez & Company sells only No. 1 grade and, in the case of the Clifton Mount Estate, peaberry.
Here is the chart from the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica which shows the basic parameters for grading Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee: